Tips for a stress free summer

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We are in serious countdown mode until summer vacation at our house! With school being out in less than 2 weeks I was in search of some serious tips for a stress free summer! After looking around the web, I decided that the best thing I could do for myself was to create some printables that would help us navigate through summer seamlessly! 

I want summer to be fun for everyone. But that only happens with some organization, planning, and yes schedules! I’m not one to be super strict with my kids, but they definitely do better when there is some order. 

So before I lose your attention with the word schedules in summer time, let’s jump into the 5 charts you definitely need to survive this summer with kids! 

You can find all of these in my summer organization chart bundle right here.

Weekly Summer Plans

Weekly summer plans list

For starters, kids are excited about everything happening during the summer. Most of the time they know certain plans you have, but they aren’t sure when they are happening. My hope with this weekly summer plans chart is that they will be able to see ahead and know when things are happening. If you have a big week full of lots of fun things, they will be able to look forward to them! 

I hope this will avoid them constantly asking when we are doing things. In addition, it will account for all the big and fun activities of the summer so we make sure we don’t miss anything! 

I laminated this one so I could write with a wet-erase marker. This way if there were any changes we could easily erase them and revise without having to print a new one! 

Summer Screen Time Checklist

screen time checklist

The worst way for us to start a day is with the TV on, kids on electronics and everyone zoned into their devices. I would prefer our days to start off without any screen time. So at the beginning of the summer, my kids will be given one of these to reference. And another one will be posted near the TV and electronics station. 

This should at least get us through the essentials for the day before they turn into zombies. Additionally, I’m going to limit their screen time to a specific amount of time that I haven’t decided on yet! 

There is lots to do in the summer, and I don’t want them watching TV all day! Starting the day without TV is probably one of the best tips for a stress free summer I can give you!

Summer Chore Chart and Activity Chart

Summer chores and activities

I broke down the chores that I wanted done each day and listed them out. Then each day was given a certain type of activity. This way the kids know what the daily chore is each day. You know, the one they need to help with to earn screen time.

And they get to see what the activity we will do that day when the chores are completed. No one is happy when the house is a mess. But mom is especially not happy when the house is a mess. By having the kids help clean everyday, the house will be less messy. And everyone will be happy. But mostly mom. 

This chart comes completed like above, but is also included blank. So you can fill in the chores and activities you want your kids to do this summer! 

If you’re looking for a chore chart for younger kids, check out my free printable chore chart here. Or customize your own picture chore charts with my chore chart creator found here.

Summer Lunch Menu

Summer lunches

I saw this idea from a friend and thought it was brilliant! I feel like lunch time with my kids is crazy. One wants a sandwich, the other wants nuggets, the third wants macaroni and cheese. And pretty soon, the kitchen is ripped apart! 

This summer we are going to try a lunch menu, just like they would do at school. Lunch will be made, and they can eat it, or wait until dinner. No more ordering whatever they want and expecting that I will make it. 

I also laminated this one so that I could change it up each week with things that they liked and actually ate! I’ll just post it inside our pantry so they can see exactly what’s for lunch each day of the week! I think this may be the chart I am looking forward to using the most! 

I'm Bored List

My bored list

Lastly, but certainly not least an I’m bored list. This list is full of different activities kids can do while they are bored. I tried to list ideas that kids could do on their own or with a sibling! Usually, when they’re following you around saying I’m bored, you can’t drop everything to entertain them. 

So, hand them this list and tell them to go do something on it! If they still can’t figure out what to do, I usually threaten my kids with another chore and they seem to find something to do rather quickly! 

Well, there you have it! My 5 charts are the best tips for a stress free summer that I can offer! I really hope these charts will help our family have a super enjoyable summer! I hope the same for yours! 

Remember you can pick up these charts in my Etsy Shop right here for under $5! It’ll be the best $5 you spend this summer! 

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