Picture Chores Chart for kids

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Getting kids to do chores can be an exhausting endeavor! Constant nagging and persuading, we’ve been there! We have tried lots of different Chores Schedule for Families that haven’t work! We have a young family, and we needed something super simple! 

We have had a few chore systems that have been successful and most importantly simple for young kids to follow! One system may work really well for a while, but overall I feel like we have to adapt and adjust our chore schedule and systems as life changes! 

To aid in the craziness of life I designed a series of Chore Charts that are all customizable, and meant to be used with kids! You can take each one of these and create it to be what works for your kids and your family! So let me share all of the things that we have done and what works for us!!

Printable Chores Chart for Kids With Pictures!

Daily Chore Chart for Kids with Pictures

Okay, this is key to all of the chore systems we have found success with! Kids are typically visual learners, and they do better if they can see what is being expected of them. I have designed a series of different charts for our kids, and finally decided to sell them. You can find them here

These chore charts are 100% customizable for each child. So you can have multiple children and have a different chore chart for each child! If you have a 4 year old they can have chores that a 4 year old can do. Or if you have an 8 year old, they can have chores that 8 year olds can do. You can customize them to have as many or as few chores as you want. So that these chores charts work as your Chores schedule for families!

If you want to do allowance with your chores, this is a great tracker chart for chores! 

Whether you want to track chores daily, weekly, or monthly, this is a great way to do so! 

Printable Chores Chart with 40 Chores Pictures

We like to switch up which chores we have our kids do, rather than them doing the same things over and over again. Having 40 different chores to choose from makes these Chore Charts Super Customizable. 

In addition they are in 3 different sizes, Small, Medium and Large. This is so you can have lots of chores on one chart, or just a few! 

These are all hand drawn, and one of a kind! They help pre-readers see and understand what is being expected of them. I have found that the younger I start having my kids help, the better they are at it when they get older. And the less complaining I get from them!

Ways to Customize Chore Charts for kids!

Chore Chart ideas for Kids

There are a few different types of chore charts offered. This makes it so that you can use the charts in a way that works for your chores schedule for families! 

So after you have purchased the printable here you can cut out the different chore pictures and the chores charts for kids! 

Decide which chores you want to have your kids do! From there you can either glue them to the chore chart, or laminate the chore chart and use velcro! This makes your chart super customizable and you can change up the chores you want your kids to do every day/week/month. However you want to do chores. 

Dry Erase Chore Chart Printable

I have found that my kids do best with a chore that they can check off in some way. We do offer the sticker chore chart that works great for young kids, and toddlers. Or we have the daily Routine charts that we like to glue the chores on and then laminate it. 

I have this thermal laminator that I love and use way more frequently than I thought I would. The laminating sheets aren’t crazy expensive and they last a long time! I just went through my first package and I’ve used it a ton in the last couple of years.

Once it’s laminated we like to use the washable dry erase markers to let the kids check off what they’ve done! I love these markers because they work just like dry erase, but they’re washable! Normal dry erase seriously doesn’t come off of anything besides a white board. These ones are awesome, I would highly recommend them for little kids.

It’s great because our kids have seriously been so excited about having their own fancy laminated chore chart! Something that they can check off and mark! And they love them! 

They are excited about doing their chores so they can mark them off, and it really has worked wonders for our family! Worth the small investment for a little laminator. 

Editable and Customizable Velcro Chore Chart for Kids

Another options that makes your chore chart highly editable and customizable is to use velcro dots for the chores. This only works if you laminate everything first, or print on heavy card stock! But it’s a great way to make everything interchangeable. 

After you have purchased your chore chart for kids, cut out the different chore pictures cards and laminate them. Then put velcro dots on the back of each one. Place the opposite side velcro dot on the Chore Chart. Now you can add or subtract chores as you please!

This works great with a grounded chart, or screen time chart, which are coming soon to our Etsy Shop! 

Our Chores Schedule for Families

Chores Reward System for Kids

Like I said earlier we have had a few different Chores schedules for our family. We have two that have worked the best that we use! We do have to switch things up now and again to keep our kids engaged and excited about doing chores. But we always use our chore charts to help motivate!

Chore Chart Reward System Ideas for Kids

We like to use the Morning Afternoon and Evening Chore Chart for our Kids. When they complete the chores for that time frame they get a ticket. So they can earn 3 tickets from chores each day. We also give them a friend ticket if they can be a nice friend to their siblings and friends. So they have the potential to earn 4 tickets every day.

We typically hand out tickets just before bedtime when their evening chores have been completed. We keep them in the linen closet by their bedrooms so they’re easily accessible. Yes we occasionally forget to hand out tickets, but the kids are really good are remembering if we forgot. 

Once a week we let them redeem their tickets. I have a prize box that has different valued items they can purchase with their tickets. Some are experiences like a sleepover at grandmas that they have to save up for, they couldn’t earn it in just one week. Typically they spend the majority of their tickets each week, but sometimes they will save up for higher priced items.

Another way you could do this is to have each ticket have a dollar value and payout once a week. This is great for older kids who want a money reward for doing chores! 

I usually try to find practical things they’ll like and use, rather than just dumb toys I have to clean up. 

They love bubbles, coloring items, chalk, keychains for their backpack, gum, suckers, pixie sticks, bandaids, stickers, and notebooks! Our experience cards have things like go get slurpees, date with mom/dad, sleepover at grandmas, ice cream night, movie night, late night, or skip chores for 1 day! We have yet to have anyone cash in on the skipping chores for a day! 

Everyday Chores Schedule for Families for every age!

It took me until my oldest was about 4 to really nail down a cleaning schedule so our home would get tidied up every day. I have learned that while it’s not always convenient to clean everyday, it doesn’t get as out of control when we do! 

But truly I hate hassling my kids every single day to do their chores. I hate being the bad guy and being the one who has to enforce chore time. So we came up with this totally brilliant idea that I don’t have to be the one reminding and nagging, but Alexa would be! 

Alexa! It was the best idea. You can read all about how we did this on this post that tells you all about our daily routine that is all automated with Alexa! It’s fun and you can be the good guy. You’ll love this great chores routine! 

Making Chore Schedules Effective for your family

Dry Erase Chore Chart

I think one of the most important parts of a Chore routine is that it doesn’t become a power struggle between you and your children. When chores are something we REALLY want done it can be super easy to get into a power struggle with our kids over our home being clean. 

While I do think you have to put up some fight there is a point in time where it’s excessive. We try to avoid the power struggle by making chore time fun, and work alongside out kids. They know that our house stays tidy, and that they’re part of keeping it that way. 

I have been totally impressed as I have watched our kids grow into caring about having their rooms clean or their toys picked up. My 7-year old daughter has started this year to wake up to an alarm, clean her room, make her bed and get herself dressed, all on her own accord! And it’s been amazing! 

We have loved having a Chore chart system that works and that keeps our house clean and tidy! You will seriously love these customizable chore charts however you find to use them! 

Chore Schedule for Families with Chore Chart Ideas

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