Self Care Pin

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Can you believe we survived another summer? Once my kids headed back to school I realized how worn out I was from the summer. We had a great summer full of amusement parks, playgrounds, swimming and fun. But we also had what felt like constant fighting among my kids, over-consuming amounts of screen time, and a baby we were trying to let get naps in! When it was all said and done this mama was in need of some serious down time. As I was thinking about what would help I started creating a Self Care Journal for mamas like me. 

I wanted something that wasn’t stressful, would help me reflect on what helps me, and also set me up for a self care routine that was effective. I wish I could say as soon as I finished I buckled down and started. But unfortunately, us moms tend to put our needs very last. So I’m taking to my blog to make me a little bit more accountable. 

If you’re in the same boat as I am, I hope you’ll join me in this self care journey. I’m excited to use this Self Care Journal, and would love some feedback about it’s effectiveness for you! So join me, and let’s get a little sanity back! 

Why Self Care Matters?

Recharge Your Batteries: With the constant 24/7 job that motherhood is, you need some YOU time! As much as the hugs, wins of our kids, and I love yous fill us up, it’s not enough! Self Care gives you the time you need to recharge so you can be at your best for your family! As the old saying goes you can “You can’t draw water from an empty well!.”

Mental Clarity: I feel like I am constantly bouncing from one thing to another. Whether it’s my long to do list, bouncing between activities, or keeping up with my house. My brain is like a pin ball machine sometimes! It gets easy to lose sight of goals, and focus when we don’t have mental clarity. Self Care can help provide the mental clarity that we have to have as moms to keep it all together! 

Sets an example: The reason we all do all the things we do is to help our kids grow and learn. So when they see us prioritizing out health and wellbeing and showing some self-care, they may see it’s important! It’s so rewarding when my kids watch and do the good things I’m doing. When I’m so burnt out, I want them to see that I know taking time for myself isn’t selfish, but necessary. And hopefully they can see the importance of self love, health boundaries, and balance in their lives! 

Building Self-Care Habits

I can hear myself reading a post like this and saying, that sounds great, but when? I have no time already! Believe me, I totally get it! Here’s some ways to ease into some healthy self-care habits! 

Start Small: Even the small things add up to be something big! One thing a day adds up to 365 things by the end of the year! Start with just a few minutes everyday. Whether it’s a short meditation, filling out a section of a Self Care Journal, or a brisk walk around the block. Small habits add up and create purpose and fulfillment. Actually this is how my whole hand-lettering journey started! I needed a little self-care, and so I started writing a little every day. If you want a fun simple hobby to fill your cup, hand-lettering is the best! 

Set Goals: What do you want your self-care regime to look like. How much time do you need each day? What helps you most? Is it more sleep? Regular exercise? Quality time with friends? We’re all a little different. So set goals for what will help you! My Self-Care Journal has multiple pages dedicated to setting goals in a way that works for you! Whether it’s a habit tracker, daily, weekly, or monthly goals, or just a goals of the day! 

Prioritize: I have a really hard time saying no. Whether it’s to my family, or some random person who needs a favor. I always want to help. But often times these unnecessary commitments just add to my plate. Yes I love serving others when I can. But realizing my time is valuable and it’s okay to put myself first occasionally does not come naturally to me. I’m working on this one! :0

Create a Routine: Routines can be hard to set up with you have young kids. The day is so unpredictable. But if you can attempt to have some sort of routine, realizing it may be interrupted, it’s still better than nothing! Try to stay consistent. If you wake up early to exercise and a little one wakes up before normal, don’t put off your workout. Try to include them, or find a way to still follow through with yourself! And remember our effort is always worth more than not doing anything at all!

As a busy mom of four, running a small business, I know how challenging self care can be to squeeze in! My hopes in every step of creating this Self Care Journal were to help busy moms like myself. I rarely create a product that I don’t intend to use for myself! 

This journal will be a secret weapon for navigating the challenges of motherhood and life itself! It’s has a place to jot down daily thoughts, set goals, plan self care, self reflection, gratitude and more. I’ve been on a quest to find a little more balance, and a little more stillness. And this is what I came up with! 

If you’re in the thick of motherhood, I hope you can find the time and peace that come from a little bit of self-care. All the best mama, you’ve got this! 

Self Care PiN

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