Best gift for 1 year old girls

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It’s so hard to know the best gift for a 1 year old girl because they can’t tell you what they want or like! And there are so many toys out there that claim your baby will like them, and then they turn out to be duds.

These are toys that both of my daughters have loved to play with when they were one! And some of them they went on to play with even after they were one! 

So are you ready? Here is my gift guide for every budget for 1 year old girls!

Why We Love Them:

Even though they’re not going to catch onto numbers for a long time, it’s still great to expose them. This Leap Frog remote control and sings and lights up with different numbers. 

My daughter loves that she can push the buttons and that it responds to her. The buttons are easy for little baby fingers to press so they don’t get frustrated. 

And the songs are really cute and educational. 

Really the best part is there are 2 sound settings so you can turn it down! 

Why We Love Them:

The whole family actually really loves these cute Mermaid Bath Toys. You pull their crown and then when you let go their tail flips and they swim through the water for a few seconds.

They are darling and my little 1 year old loved to watch them in her bath! 

They’re also super durable, and have lasted over a year without breaking or even looking dull like some bath toys get!

Why We Love Them:

We were introduced to this bubble toy by a friend. It’s actually a really simple toy, but fun! (Even for adults!) You just press the bubbles in then out then in then out. 

The silicone moves really easily so little fingers can do it easily. 

It’s also safe for them to chew on and gnaw, because that’s pretty much where every toy ends up right?

Why We Love Them:

Foldable Tents are excited for little babies to crawl in and out of. Our daughter likes to crawl in and have her older siblings talk to her through the tent.

We take toys in to play, and sometimes she likes us to just sit in there with her! It’s a great way for her to hide without it being somewhere that could be dangerous!

There are lots of different variations of foldable tents, but they make a great gift for a 1 year old girl.

Why We Love Them:

We pull this activity center out with our kids as soon as they start to stand. But our daughter is almost 2 and still loves to play with it. 

There are lots of different activities that they can do, buttons to push and a cute little phone they can talk on. 

It’s great if your 1 year old is still trying to figure out how to walk because they can walk around it and it’s sturdy. We have used ours a ton with our kids and would highly recommend this one! 

Why We Love Them:

This is a great gift for any kid, but the perfect gift for a 1 year old girl! Aqua Doodle Mats are so fun because all you need is WATER to color with.

It’s so fun for them to watch the pad change colors as they draw little scribbles on it! 

I love that there is literally zero mess with this! And if they take the pen off and color anywhere else, it doesn’t even matter because it’s water! 

Why We Love Them:

I actually bought this Rock n’ Glow Unicorn on a whim because it was almost my daughter’s 1st birthday and I had nothing for her! And it was the only thing that pulled up on my Amazon search that looked fun!

But it ended up being an awesome purchase, she loves it! 

When you press the numbers the unicorn neighs and then moves around on the floor. She has seriously sat on it while it’s trying to move and it still isn’t broken! I’m shocked at how well this is built. 

We have lots of hardwood floors and so she loves to play with this and follow it around the house!

Why We Love Them:

Little People Sets are one of my favorite toys! I don’t know why, but I really love them. When my oldest daughter turned one we bought her the Little People Disney Castle. It’s ridiculous expensive now that it’s not in production any longer, but we have absolutely loved it! 

We have a few different Little People Sets and they make a great gift for a 1 year old girl! There are princesses and animals and houses, and everything she could love! 

I love that they aren’t small, so I don’t worry about her breaking them or choking on them. They’re all interactive and have a few buttons they can press to make a sound or something. I just really love the Little People, they’re just so cute!

Why We Love Them:

We actually got Tickle Me Elmo for my son who was 3 at the time. And my 1 year old daughter snatched that thing right up and it became hers. 

She has adored Tickle Me Elmo. If she sees him, he’s in her arms. She loves that he laughs and vibrates and can’t get enough of him! 

I love that is makes her giggle and laugh, and that she really enjoys every interaction she has with this toy. It was not what I expected, but has been so fun to have!

Why We Love Them:

We bought this for our third child, and she is smart enough to realize that the other kids were riding bikes and she didn’t want to be confined to a stroller. Insert Push Car

This was a life saver. She loves to be in it, and feels like she is a big kid! It’s nice to be able to push her around and have her be happy on walks. 

Ours has a little compartment in the front she loves to stash rocks and chalk in and anything she finds! 

We have used our Push Car so much the year after her 1st birthday! 

These toys all make a great gift for a 1 year old girl. We have used every single one of these and would recommend them! 

We love when we find something that our kids really enjoy and wanted to share our findings with you!

Let us know if you have something great we missed on our list!

Gift for a 1 year old girl

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