Best Gift for a 2 year old girl

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This guide will help you find the best gift for a 2 year old girl! It can be so difficult to find something that they like and really play with. These are things my 2 girls have both loved and I would recommend to anyone! 

Especially when you’re trying to find a gift for a niece or family friend it can be hard to know what they’ll like. Try one of these items out and you’re sure to find something she’ll love!

Why We Love Them:

Our 2 year old has 2 siblings in school and so backpacks are a huge deal for her. She loves to put it on and walk around like her big brother and sister!

On top of her loving to carry them around, they are so convenient to put her stuff into when we are going places. We have mostly graduated from a diaper bag and this is so nice to throw a diaper and wipes into when we go places. 

And these cute backpacks are not just miniature sized but they have so many cute designs and animals! Seriously you’re bound to find one she likes!

This is a super simple gift for a 2 year old girl that you can even put a book or toy inside to go with it!

Why We Love Them:

This Alphabet book is more than just a normal ABC Book! Each letter has a track you can trace with your finger to learn the letter.

In addition it has cut flaps to flip for each letter! My kids love this book because it is interactive and I love that it’s educational.

My 2 year old likely isn’t learning how to write letters yet, but she does like to trace down the tracks of each letter! Plus the illustrations are really cute!

Why We Love Them:

The whole family actually really loves these cute Mermaid Bath Toys. You pull their crown and then when you let go their tail flips and they swim through the water for a few seconds.

They are darling and my little 2 year old loved to watch them in her bath! 

They’re also super durable, and have lasted over a year without breaking or even looking dull like some bath toys get!

Why We Love Them:

We loove these kids boogie boards! There are lots of different options for kinds you can buy! We have bought cheap ones and more expensive ones and they all seem to work the same.

It’s the no mess drawing board. And if you haven’t tried one, they are awesome. 

I love that you can write on them and easily erase it. We have even lost our stylus on occasions and you can use pretty much anything pointed to write on them.

My little girl loves to draw and push the button to erase it and start all over again. 

These are great when you need to keep little ones entertained and quiet! But don’t want to put them in front of an electronic! 

Seriously you will start drawing on these they are just that cool!

Why We Love It:

We love the Aqua Doodle Coloring Mat for any age! But it’s especially fun for 2 year olds who love to color and draw but make a big mess doing so!

The Pens resemble markers so they enjoy using them as they would a marker, but without all the marker mess!

If you haven’t used these before you will love them! You use water to color and the mat changes colors with the water. Then as the water dries you can color again! The pens dispense just a small amount of water so there never any huge messes!

Seriously these are so fun for the whole family to gather around a color on! You can read about other creative activities we love here.

Why We Love Them:

These Disney Princesses have super cute clip on dresses that you can take off easily! My daughter is still figuring out her fine motor skills and loves to try to put the princess back into her dress.

Then she pulls them off and tries again! In addition she loves to play around with them and is super cute at pretending with them.

They are really durable, we have had an older set for over 6 years and they’re still in great shape! 

Why We Love Them:

My daughter carried her doggy crate around with her for a good week after she got it. She loved taking care of her puppy and putting it in and out of the crate.

I love that it teaches her to care for something! She is so careful and sweet with it! 

Our crate is slightly different, but this one has cute buttons to make play more interactive and fun for your little one!

Why We Love Them:

I am always a tad nervous around ladders to slides! But this First Slide from Fisher Price has a wide enough step and easy grips on the top for little climbers! My daughter loves that she can climb up and go down all by herself.

They are also super durable, inside or outside! We kept ours inside after Christmas until the weather warmed up and then it became an outside toy.

It has survived 7 summers and doesn’t seem like the plastic is cracking or getting softer anywhere! 

Plus all 3 of my kids have loved to have a slide that is their size when they’re toddlers!

You can read all about our favorite outdoor toys here!

Why We Love Them:

We don’t have a super cuddly one, but when she sees her animal sleeping bag she goes nuts! She loves to snuggled in it and is so cute to watch!

We let our kids watch movies in them, or play games in them! And when we head up to our cabin they’re so easy to bring along! You can find some that have a built in pillow as the face which makes it even more convenient.

I think the fact that is has a cute little animal face on it, makes he love it even more! It’s more than just a sleeping bag but a stuffed animal too!

Why We Love Them:

I really love the Radio Flyer Tricycle because most tricycles have pedals too far from for toddlers little legs. But this one is designed really smart and I haven’t had a toddler ever get on it and not be able to reach the pedals!

There is a cute little compartment in the back that my daughters have loved to put rocks, sticks, toys and everything else they find in it. 

It comes in pink or red, so you can buy either version. And it has a convenient handle in the back if you need to help push your little one along! 

These toys all make a great gift for a 2 year old girl. These are all things that my girls have played with and loved! 

Happy gift shoppping! 

Gift for a 2 year old girl

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