Feel better about yourself

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Seriously! You are awesome! Sometimes it’s super easy to forget the good we are doing. And we just naturally spiral downward into feeling pretty crappy about ourselves. As most women typically do, we berate ourselves with our failures and shortcomings. Instead start doing these five things to help you appreciate how awesome you really are!

Acknowledge the Good you are Doing

Good Vibes Only

We often tend to down play the good that we do as women! I’m not sure why we do that, but you should stop! And hello, I’m totally talking to myself here. This is something I really struggle with!

When we can’t acknowledge and appreciate the good things we are doing, we are slapping ourselves in the face. Whether it be big or small, it’s great to appreciate the good things you are doing. 

I frequently look at my to-do list and notice the things that didn’t get done. But the days that I can recognize all those things crossed off I feel so much better about myself. 

There are definitely tasks that I feel way more accomplished when I complete (like folding that wretched laundry.) 

But even small tasks like sweeping the floor, tying a shoe, or changing a diaper are all still things you’re doing. And you should acknowledge those little and simple things as much as those big things! 

When we can really appreciate the work we have done, it makes a huge different in what we feel we can accomplish! 

Focus on those good things you are doing, and let yourself feel appreciated for the work you have done! 

Tell Yourself Thank You

Tell Yourself Thank You

So funny story. I opened the dishwasher a few weeks ago and told my husband that I love when I open the dishwasher and find I have already unloaded the dishes, and then I tell myself thank you. And I really do! He totally laughed at me, because it does seem a little silly.

But it makes such a big different to actually tell myself thank you! When I help myself out by doing something, like unloading the dishwasher, or laying out the kids clothes the night before, I do tell myself thank you. 

Likely no one else is going to express their thanks. And I am always glad when I realized that I helped my future self out by doing something. 

It’s usually simple things, like the example of opening the dishwasher to find I already unloaded it. But I try to tell myself either out loud or in my mind, “thank you.”

It’s one way I have found that helps me to appreciate myself and the things I am putting in an effort to do! 

Don’t hate it until you try it! Because it really works! When you can feel like what you’re doing is noticed and appreciated, even if you’re the only one who notices, it makes a BIG different. 

Try telling yourself thank you more often for the things you do that help your life run smoother!


Ignore Negativity

Ignore Negative Messages

Don’t believe you’re totally awesome? Stop listening to negative messages! They are all around us. In fact, stop looking at Instagram and Facebook for a few days, and see how it makes you feel.

You have probably heard the saying “Comparison is the thief of Joy.” Well it is. And every time you look at someone else’s “perfect” life you compare yourself to them. As a result you may start sending yourself negative messages.

It was one of the main reasons I stopped enjoying making signs for Affinity Grove. Because it was so discouraging to see everyone else on social media and how “perfect” their business seemed. 

Which is stupid because I loved what we created and I loved working together with my husband.

If something in your life is constantly negative like Instagram was for me, let it go for a while. And maybe you’ll realize you don’t even need it in your life!

Negative people in your life can be super damaging to be able to appreciate the good you do. Try to avoid them, or try to only talk about positive things! Maybe you can help shift their negative patterns of thinking as well. 

The hardest kind of negativity to ignore is the negative messages we send ourselves. It’s super destructive to allow ourselves to talk negatively to and about ourselves! 

Turn those negative messages around. Instead of looking in the mirror and noticing the imperfections, tell yourself you are beautiful, wonderful, and smart. 

Start telling yourself positive and uplifting things about who you are. I know there are lots of them, now you tell yourself what they are! 

Let go of all that negativity in your life, and you will start to feel better about yourself. And be able to embrace more fully how awesome you really are!

Give yourself Positive Self Talk

Postive Self Talk

Giving up the negativity around you isn’t enough. You also have to be willing to engage in positive self talk. 

I already touched on this, but seriously tell yourself something good about you. Yes, I meant right now! 

Accept that you are good at things. Tell yourself you are talented and great! Because you are! 

All too often we focus on what we need to fix and remedy, but if we focused a little more on what we already have, we would be happier. 

This is actually really hard for me! In College I read a book called Learned Optimism. And in it Martin E. Seligman talks all about pessimism and optimism. And there is a test you can take to find out which one you are. 

I tested to be very pessimistic! I was shocked! But it actually ended up being a good thing, because it helped me recognize ways I was being negative and remedy them! 

When you not only focus on the positive, but give yourself positive talk you will be amazed at the difference it can make! 

In addition to praising yourself, accept the praise and compliments of others. How many times do we brush off a compliment? Or make an excuse for why that isn’t true? 

Next time someone gives you a compliment, try just saying Thank you! And really let yourself believe in the good they see in you.


Indulge Occasionally!

Indulge Yourself

Everyone deserves to indulge themself every now and again. And you’re no exception! 

Do something out of the ordinary that you enjoy, go out for your favorite treat, or buy that shirt you’ve been eyeing. But do something for you.

When you indulge yourself, you’re giving yourself the message that you matter. That you’re doing great things, and that you are seriously awesome! This is positive self talk on steroids, because it’s not just talking, it’s doing! 

I’m not saying to go out and do something crazy, or eat a whole pint of ice cream. But a little indulging can be very healthy and very rewarding. 

Set some goals to appreciate yourself more, and when you reach them indulge yourself! 

My simple indulgence is always yummy Dove Chocolates! They make anyone feel better! 

Now that you have these tips, I hope you will be empowered to appreciate how awesome you really are! You deserve to be appreciated for all the good things you are doing. 

Keep going, keep trying! And keep remembering that you really are awesome! And when you’re feeling down, try one of these tips to help lift your mood!

Feel better about yourself
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