30 Day Gratitude Challenge Pin

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Start you gratitude journey today with this simple and profound 30 day gratitude challenge. There are so many benefits to being grateful. When we focus on our blessings rather than our challenges we are better able to cope with the things in our lives.

The last couple of years have had unique challenges for everyone! And the focus in the media and news focuses a lot on those challenges. If we listen too much to this, it can be daunting and depressing for the happiest of people. 

So to remedy having our challenges shoved back into our faces, I wanted to implement the guidance from President Russel M. Nelson. He is the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And last November her gave a message entitled the Healing Power of Gratitude. 

Since then, I have often reflected on the effect that having gratitude can play in my life. And I have seen that healing power play an important part of my life as I have treaded through the challenges I have. 

The Gratitude Challenge

30 day gratitude challenge

So I wanted to invite you to join in 30 days of gratitude. You can start whenever you want, but try to do 30 consecutive days. You can write in one thing you’re grateful for each day, or fill out the whole wedge. Either way try to focus on the things that you’re grateful for. 

As you start filing the chart out, reflect on all the things you wrote on previous days. Take some time to let yourself really ponder and feel the gratitude for the things you list. 

A few years ago I read the book “A simple Act of Gratitude” By John Kralik. If you haven’t read it, it’s a great way to start seeing the simple and great blessings that come into your life everyday! It was my first experience where I saw the drastic impact that being grateful had on someone’s life. I would definitely recommend it! 

Create a Gratitude List Today!

If you’re wanting a different sort of exercise using this printable, you can simply use it to help you create a list of things you’re grateful for. Sit down and fill in each wedge of the printable in one sitting. Then put the grateful list somewhere you’ll be able to see it regularly. Make a point to really take the time to reflect on the blessings you do have! 

Even this sort of brain dump about all your blessings is great when you’re struggling or down to see the things you have. 

Just remember the blessings we count don’t have to be huge. They can be simple things like a smile from a stranger, a text from an old friend, or getting to eat your favorite candy that day. Find the joy in the simple things that happen every day. 

In the past few months as I have struggled I have often tried to watch what brings my kids joy. It’s always simple things, but they do feel absolutely joy from them. It’s made me realize that as adults we don’t recognize the joy that is to be had all around us. Sometimes it’s hard to find our own joy, so if you can’t find it now, watch someone else can borrow of their joy for a little while. 

As you start to see the blessings and things that bring joy around them, it will help you see the blessings around you!

The Healing Power of Gratitude

Healing Power of Gratitude

As referenced above, last November, President Russell M. Nelson spoke on the healing power of gratitude. I would highly encourage you to read or watch this message that he shared in the height of the pandemic. It was inspiring and encouraging. 

One point he made was to do a 10 day social media fast, and I noticed that as I did that I felt better. Without social media I wasn’t comparing, wasting time, or artificially connecting with others. And after the 10 days, I found I didn’t miss it all that much. 

Since then, I haven’t had a huge pull to social media. I try to limit my time on it, and even have screen time limits of 5 minutes per app so I don’t waste time. Without realizing it, social media did not make me feel any better about myself or the things I was going. So if you’re needing a little more of a boost, I would also challenge you to avoid social media for 10 days and see how you feel!

If you prefer not to get this for free, you can purchase it from my Etsy Shop at the link here. Already a subscriber? You can login to the freebie zone and download it here. Whichever way you prefer, I hope you join me in this 30 day gratitude challenge! Start when you want and go for 30 days! Enjoy! 

Gratitude Chart

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