Taking Care of Yourself

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This is probably the most overlooked aspect in most mom’s busy lives! But how can you possibly do it all if you are never taking care or yourself? With everything you have going on, most moms ask but when do I have time for myself? But you need this time to recharge so you have something inside to give!

The tips I want to share with you are not mind-blowing! It’s stuff you know, and have heard, but likely aren’t doing! Save yourself from some serious mommy-burnout and follow my advice though.

I have been in some really hard places as a mom, and had times when I haven’t enjoyed being home with my kids. But when I finally realized how important it was for me to take care of myself FIRST, it made a huge difference!

No, I’m not saying you will never have hard days being home with kids. But when you have more fuel from taking care of yourself, those hard days will seem easier to manage! I know life is super busy and crazy, if you aren’t taking care of yourself, then you are super limited in what you have to offer others! Especially your kids!

If you feel like you’re always on the brink of breaking down as a mom, follow this advice! And start taking care or yourself FIRST! 

Take Time For You

Whether it means taking one night to go get a pedicure, do some shopping solo, or going for a run, you need this time! 

Prioritize the time for yourself, and let yourself indulge in what you love! If you really struggle taking time for yourself, schedule it in every week. Or even better everyday! Even if it’s ten minutes everyday, it will make a huge difference!

You have probably heard the saying “You can’t draw water from an empty well.” And it’s true! If you want to be the best mom/wife/friend you can be you NEED to be taking care of yourself! 

Taking Time for Yourself

This will likely look different for everyone! It may be exercise, shopping, crafts, baking, designing, taking a shower by yourself, the possibilities are endless. Just make sure it’s something that fills your bucket, and recharges your soul!

Find a babysitter if you have to, and take the night off. Utilize nap time, or time when kids are in school to really focus on you. I promise the dishes will wait for you, and maybe you won’t hate doing them so bad when you’ve spent a little time doing something you enjoy. 

Depending on what is going on in your life may change what you do as well. After I have been on constant overload it feels nice to just sit and watch a movie. Other times, I want to make fonts, design signs, go play lacrosse, or try a new recipe! 

At first you may have to actually schedule “YOU time” into your calendar. Find a place where it’ll fit, have your phone alert you when it’s your time, and do something for you! 

Taking this time is so crucial, not just to being a good mom, but to your overall health! So start today! Demand the time for yourself from your schedule and then spend it doing something that makes you happy!

Have Friends You Can Talk To

Have Friends you can talk to

I am not a super social person. It’s one of the reasons I waited so long to start this blog. But I do have a few close women, who I can confide in.

These women buoy me up when I am struggling. They give me advice and tips and help me see things from a different perspective. 

And one of the greatest things, they love my kids. There is something wonderful about watching someone else love on your kids! 

But having other women in the same situation as me, is so refreshing. I can vent, and they know exactly where I am coming from. Because they’re there too!

My sister is one of my best friends, and we talk about everything! I know that regardless of the issues going on with my kids, she will be supportive of me. And even in my worst mommy moments, she will always love me! Best of all, when I have something I could improve on, she lets me know! 

If you don’t have a tribe that can support you, find one! Especially people who are going through the same things you are. If you can talk about what’s going on in your life, the struggles, challenges, and joys, it will help you deal with everything going on!

While venting can be super beneficial, avoid always commiserating with your friends! That can be super draining on one another, and can actually turn into something negative. 

A lesson I learned early on was that if I didn’t respect and trust my friends, then they weren’t great friends! Find women who you admire and look up to! And who do the same to you.

Have a Hobby

This is one of the biggest reasons I started this blog! Because I found an outlet that helped me as a mom, and I wanted to help other moms find one too!

If you’ve been around my blog for any time at all you know I love to design, hand letter, and create hand lettered fonts! These hobbies seriously motivate me to do housework, and everything else I don’t want to do.

Sitting down at the end of the day to do something I love, is like the cherry on top of any day. Regardless of it being a good or bad day, I know that at the end there is something I have to look forward to! 

Find a hobby

Find a hobby that you love! And you will be surprised at how motivating it is! Need some ideas check out my hobbies Pinterest board!

If you already have something you love that you haven’t done for a while, get it out again! Give yourself the time you need, doing something you love! 

Obviously you want to be the best mom you can be or you wouldn’t be reading this series! You can do it all, and you don’t have to do it ALL in order to do so! In case you missed the other parts in this series you can check them out here:

Best of luck in being the best mom you can be! I hope you find some things that work for you to help you accomplish everything you want in your home and with your kids!

taking care of yoruself pin

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