Managing a home

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I feel like most of social media gives this idea that there are women out there who look like they’re doing it all. Put together children, a clean house, perfect meals on the table, and the perfect life! But this is not reality! If it looks like someone is doing it all, let me tell you, something is slipping between the cracks. Because the reality is you just cannot do it all!

Four years ago, I learned this lesson the hard way. We were trying to run our wood business, I have just had a baby and I was trying SO hard to do everything perfectly. Cue the postpartum depression! Because when you set your standard so high (and have added crazy hormones) you’re going to feel discouraged.

Over the last few years, I have learned that I can’t do it all, all the time. However, by designating times for various areas of my life, I can help myself out for the future.

I categorize my responsibilities into 4 categories.

So let’s break down each section and how to help yourself out and feel like you can do it all, without always doing it all!

Managing a Home

Managing a home is seriously a beast of a task! Add in small children, and sometimes it feels like a hopeless endeavor! 

But everyone is happier in a home that is organized, and maintained! I have noticed with my kids that when their rooms get out of hand, they do too! 

There are a few different aspects of managing a home, but we are going to look at simply keeping a house clean and tidy.

How to do it all-managing a house

Keeping a home tidy

Managing a home-Keeping home tidy

The easiest way to keep your house tidy, is to have less stuff! If you haven’t watched Marie Kondo on Netflix or read her book, you it’s a great way to teach you how to get rid of stuff! 

Once you have decluttered your home, make sure that everything has a place. This is especially necessary if you have kids! If they don’t know exactly where it is supposed to go, the definitely won’t put it away. They sometimes don’t even put it away, when they do know where it goes!

If there isn’t room for everything to be organized and clean, you still have too much stuff! Go through a declutter round 2! 

Once everything is organized and has a place, it will be easy to keep things tidy. We have our kids help clean up twice a day. They help tidy up their rooms in the morning, and the living areas in the evenings. Having them help has been a huge game changer! And they’re becoming more aware of how to maintain a tidy home.

I also have an awesome husband, who takes it upon himself every night to help clean up. If for some reason we weren’t home for the kids to clean up, he will clean up the family room, and sweep the kitchen floor.

I love having a tidy house! But I don’t make the messes myself, so I shouldn’t have to clean them up myself! My tip for keeping a home tidy is to enlist help! Everyone who lives in your home, should regularly help tidy it up! If you’re doing it on your own, stop! Put up the fight, and get everyone to help you!

Managing a home-Keeping Home Tidy

Keeping a home clean

Managing a Home-Keeping a home clean

There is a different in a tidy home, and a clean home! If all you’re doing it tidying things up everything, well it’s going to get really gross! However, when your house is already tidy, cleaning it isn’t as big of a deal! BONUS!

I try to stay on a cleaning schedule to make sure that everything get cleaned regularly! I’ll be honest, everything doesn’t get done every week! But I do try to make sure it gets done regularly!

And you better believe my kids get to help clean the house. From the time my daughter was 3 she was cleaning toilets. And to this day, she still doesn’t mind doing it! I’ve noticed with my kids that the earlier I train them to do something, the more accustomed they are as they get older, and the less they complain! 

If my kids can do a job, I usually assign them to do it! Or if I have a lot that needs to be done, I let them choose what they want to do. They seem to do better when they feel like it’s something they wanted, rather than what I told them to do!

If you want a clean home, do everything you can to make sure it stays tidy! After that cleaning it won’t be as big of a task! And of course make sure everyone who lives in your home is contributing!!

Check out the next post in this series How To Do It All (Without Doing It All) Taking Care of Kids

How to do it all-managing a home