5 ways for busy moms to find time for hobbies

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I used to push hobbies to the back burner, and wait around to have the time to do something I enjoyed. The problem though was that then I never took the time I needed, and ended up getting so burnt out from never having any outlet! 

It was a few years ago when I first started hand lettering, and as I’ve said before I became obsessed! Like always had a pen in my hand, and when I didn’t I was making letter forms with my finger on my leg! Way. Obsessed. 

It was amazing to find something that I enjoyed so much after taking such little time for myself. Along the way I have managed to tame my obsession for hand lettering (although I do still love it) and in the process I have realized how important it was for my to find time for my hobbies! So here are my 5 tips to finding the time to do something you love! 

Hobbies for moms


Clock on table

I have 3 little kids, they are so fun and so much work! Usually by the time they are in bed I am way ready for some cool down time! But there’s always something that needs to be done! Dishes, laundry, weeding, cleaning, you know, the list goes on and on! But having time to spend participating in my hobbies is so important to me that I set a time limit on when I am done doing everything else, and when I can have my “me” time! 

Maybe the floor desperately needs to be mopped, and the dishwasher needs to be loaded, great focus on those two tasks, set a time limit you want to be done by and race the clock to finish! (Might have been my two task tonight). So by 9:00 you can focus on your hobbies, knowing that you accomplished a couple of the tasks you needed to that day, and still have time for you! 

The other time I frequently set aside is nap time! I usually follow the same routine as above. Pick a 20 minute chore to get done and my reward is I get to letter knowing the dishes are done! See, It’s not just kids who are motivated with incentives! 

2. Don't let other things take priority


While it may not be ideal, I’ve come to realize that most everything can wait. A basket full of laundry isn’t hurting anyone by waiting one day (or week) to be folded. The toys the kids played with today (and will probably just pull out first thing tomorrow) can probably just sit in the corner. Don’t get me wrong, we still run a relatively tidy home, but if it isn’t pinterest perfect I promise you’ll be okay!

Typically I feel an urgency to get everything done and put everything into place. But when it comes to finding time for me, I have had to realize that it’s okay to leave things undone, most the time they’re still waiting for me the next day! Which is why my nightly routine is an awesome balance to getting both done! Win, Win!

3. PLan with friends

Women Reading

If I know that I have a hard time doing something, it’s easier if I am accountable to someone else for doing it. Insert friends here!! You’re lots less likely to cancel if someone else is counting on you. I have some friends that I get together with on a regular basis and do a craft night with. It’s usually inexpensive, fun, and gives us the opportunity to really talk and recharge. If you find it’s always hard to find the time for your hobbies, ask a friend to join you! You could even share your hobbies with each other, BONUS!

4. Try something new


This was a game changer for me! Once I found hand lettering I really really wanted to be good at it, and having something new was refreshing and fun! There are so many different, low cost crafts, and activities, that may just spark something in you that makes you excited about your hobbies! 

With little ones you may have to be creative to find something that works. But there are so many enjoyable hobbies that can be done in the comfort of your own home. It’s awesome to see you kids want to do the same hobby you enjoy. You should see the amazingly curly letters my seven year old can make!

Recently I have tried watercolor and drawing, and it has been great to try something I’ve never done before! If you try something new you may LOVE it! Loving it will give you motivation to make the time for it! Stretch yourself a little, you may be surprised at what you find!

5. Do Something you Love

Woman Painting

If all else fails, revert to something you know you love! When I get overwhelmed or frustrated trying something new, I pull out my IPad or paper and pen and just letter, usually my name, over and over. If you don’t have something you love, I would suggest going back to tip number 4 until you find something you love.

I hope these tips will help you find a way to spend more time in the hobbies you love! It’s so important to take some time for yourself! You need this recharge so you can be successful in other areas of your life. Whose ready? My extra BONUS tip #6 Start TODAY! You won’t regret it!

5 ways to find time for your hobbies